By experience I know that people barely recognize or understand textile electronic. The language of electronics is fixed to our mind-set, its appearance is black, flat and mostly out of plastics. For this reason I will present an "Introductory Touch sensor" directly in front of the cube entrance. It will be a pad with one textile sensor and a specific sensor colour (turquoise), its circuit and an LED as actuator. This entry shows the fabrication process.
First: Planning the sensor and actuator, what should it look like, what parts do I need.
Next Steps:
1-design patterns and cut fabric to sew sensor
2-as I want to use very different textile techniques I create a smoking rose pattern for hiding the LEDs. It just looks more beautiful, LEDs must be dressed up.
3&4- try-out with LED and the fabric
5- gather parts for the first touch sensor
After some coding sessions I decided to use just thte attiny85 rather than the cjpmu sewable controller (the round little purple one in the picture above). It took some hours to get the
capacative sensor working (see next entry). However: sometimes it worked properly sometimes it simply did not.
Electronics can be moody... It may also depend on the person who is touching it. I mean, I don't like everybody touching me, either.
Below: How will the wiring look like on the fabric to sew the circuit?
Two weeks later: Different design of the actuator and finishing the whole set-up.